


Prep is the first year of school and provides the foundation for your child's education. From 2017, it is compulsory for Queensland children to undertake Prep prior to Year 1.

Please download or contact the office for an enrolment pack and to arrange an interview with a member of the administration team. Come and join the school that is Pialba State School, 'We are a small school with an amazing history.'

Our School's history encompases a 140 year Education Excellence journey.

School tours are available with the Principal and Deputy Principal

You can also book a school tour by calling the school office on (07) 4197 77 77.

Our Transition visits and Orientation day dates are available from the school office. See our Facebook page for further details.

The modern day fully air-conditioned Prep centre provides a developmentally appropriate educational program for children. The qualified teachers and teacher
aides implement a full-day program (8.50am – 2.50pm) on a 5 day week.

The Pialba State Primary School Prep program includes:

  • Activity-based, age appropriate program
  • Supportive, caring, warm, stable and challenging environment
  • Flexible learning
  • Comprehensive indoor/outdoor program
  • All-inclusive stimulating activities
  • Technologies (Digital and Design), The ARTs (Music, Visial Art, Dance, Drama and Media) and Physical Education lessons with qualified specialist teachers
    (1 hour per week)
  • Extensive transition to ease the move into Year 1
  • Library borrowing, Home Reading Program and SSP program
  • Classroom wireless access to computers, Ipads, Apps, programs and Smart TV
  • Very large playground for active children with Play equipment shaded
  • Developmentally appropriate literacy and numeracy skills program
  • Focused and Intensive teacher support in English.

Queensland's Preparatory Year gives all young Queenslanders the very best start to school by helping them make a smooth transition to Year 1 and sets them on the path to lifelong learning.

Prep is 5 days a week and children stay all day. Children must be 5 by 30 June in the year they start Prep.

To determine when your child can commence their prep year, use the online calculator External link.

Last reviewed 29 June 2022
Last updated 29 June 2022