School hours and class times
Office hours
Our school office is open: Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 3.15pm
Class times
8.45am to 11.00am - session 1 (Learning)
11.00am to 11.50am - first break (30 minutes play first then 20 minutes eating)
11.50am to 1.20pm - session 2 (Learning)
1.20pm to 1:50pm - second break (15 minutes play then 15 minutes eating)
1.50pm to 2.50pm - session 3 (Learning)
Before and after school procedures
Students arriving at school between 8.15am and 8.25am are required to wait in
the designated waiting area in the Tuckshop area. At 8.25am until the first bell
goes at 8.45am the students are supervised play in the Prep area and for Years
1-6 on the Oval. Students are then walked to their class line up areas where
their teacher meets and greets them and transition to their classrooms to prepare
for the day. There is no access to playground equipment at this time.
Walking/riding home
Students exit through the Beach Road pedestrian gates (walking bikes / scooters
within the school grounds on the concrete paths and then along the footpath
outside the school) and make their way to the designated crossing on Beach
Road and head home.
Parent pickup
Students are to wait inside the Prep Fence Area, on the seats provided at Beach
Road or Alice Street for parents to collect them. Once students see their parent’s
car in the carpark they can proceed to the car across the designated crossing on
Beach Road or to the angled parks on Alice Street.
Student's are reminded that they are to follow all safety road rules and go
straight home afterschool.
Bus students
Students are to assemble in the bus area seated in their bus lines.
They are then escorted to the bus as each bus arrives on Beach Road in the
designated Bus Parking lanes.